• Bar Highlights: • Contains 100 oz of.999 pure silver. • Bars were hand-poured by Johnson Matthey refiners. • Stamped with Johnson Matthey logo, purity, and weight.
• Includes an individual serial number on the bars obverse. Stamped with the name of Johnson Matthey and its logo elegantly scrolled, each 100 oz Johnson Matthey Silver Bar also depicts stamps denoting its 100 troy ounces as well as its.999 silver purity.
1 oz Johnson Matthey Silver Bar: Each of these one ounce bars of fine silver is newly pressed and imprinted with the full name of the refinery — “Johnson Matthey Assayers and Refiners,” the JM logo and the serial number of the bar. The words “Fine Silver 999” and “1 Ounce Troy” are clearly labeled on the front for quick. Banax kaigen 500 manual pdf. Obverse: Displays Johnson Matthey logo, the weight, purity, and serial number. Reverse: Features diagonally repeating Johnson Matthey logos. Bars come with an individual assay card that matches the serial number of the bar, guaranteeing the Platinum metal weight and purity.
Most JM silver bars will also feature a unique serial number; some products do not contain these numbers as JM produced variations throughout production years. Security is our utmost priority and we ship each authentic bar safely and securely and will accommodate any size order.
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