An FM Band Expander (band converter, fm converter) is a device used on systems to enable them to receive international FM. Japanese are between 76-90 MHz whereas the international broadcast plan is between 87.5-108 MHz. The unit itself is connected inline between the and the, and it downshifts the frequency of the broadcast by a predetermined amount (generally between 10-14 MHz). Power [ ] FMBE is powered from the ACC line that is also connected to the stereo unit so it is only operational when the radio is active. Because the Japanese width has a narrower range than the international standard, the unit may have to downshift the same frequencies by 10 and 20 MHz simultaneously. This is to ensure both 'sets' of frequencies get included in the reduced, but it can mean that some can become doubled up. References [ ].
Changing languages on japanese gps/raido? Yes to band expander. Reshebnik trenazher po himii vrublevskij. The units we install/sell are probably very similar, Rifty, and we've had no complaints either.
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